Friday, October 15, 2010

Summer vacation ghost story

It was one week before summer break there were five college students all wanting to go away for a week or two and party so one of them said hey my uncle has a caben in the woods its about a three our drive so we will be away from everyone should we go? Everyone said yeah lets go !!!
so they paked there stuff and left 5 hours later they arrived it was nearly night time so they decided to PARTY they did and then all of the lights went off and they heard a scream !! and then lights went on and everyone was missing except from one he shouted and shouted no one came back so then he saw footprints in blood going up stairs he followed the footprints, they led into the cuboard he opend slowwly and all his friends were choped up and blood everywere he was devistated and then he heard a noise behind him he turned around and it was a man with a machette (and no it wasnt jason forhees) and then he.............................. sliced him into two!!!!!!!!!!



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