Friday, October 15, 2010

Orbs form the grave

Before you ask an orb is something before it turns into a ghost. it is like a ghost, if u have saw the haunted mansion it  is like the ghost ball in it. except smaller. anyway. i was sleeping at my big sister, fallon. her husbnad, gareth (my brother in law because they are married), was out the night because he went to a party and was going to sleep at his mom and dads
. i slept in my neices bed, aaliyah (she was one at the time). during the night aaliyah woke up. but the third time she woke up she couldnt stop crying. fallon came in to get her before she woke my nephew, rhian (whoh was a couple of months old). in the morning i woke up and was staring out the door just daydreaming, when i see to little balls come floating in. i rub my eyes and blink a couple of times but its still there. the two balls (which i later found out were orbs) came floating in and went to the end of my bed. they stayed ther for a little while and i was just scared stiff (literally i couldnt move). then they went out. i hid under the sheets and tryed humming and telling myself that it was just my eyes pplaying tricks on me. however, my sister lived near a graveyard in a quite little town. i felt someone or something pulling at the cover and i only hummed louder then. i told my mom adn dad but they said it was my imagination. who would beleive me. i write that many stories they say i have a strong imagination. fallon and holly (holly is my twin) beleived me.



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