Friday, October 15, 2010

Helen and the doll

There was once a little girl called Helen. She got every toy she ever wanted but did not look after them or keep them in good condition. One day she was walkin down the street in town when Helen saw a doll in the window. "Mummy I want that doll!" Helen said hopping to get what she wanted as always, "No," her mum said, " you never look after the toys you already have so why should I?" Helen replied, "Because I will take good care of it and will take it where ever I go." As her mum always did she bote the doll for her spoiled daughter. Helen got bored off the doll almost straight away and threw it into her toy room (which by the way is on the ground floor of the house, the bedrooms on the other hand on the second).

One night Helen's parents went out for a meal leabing Helen with a baby sitter, but as babysitters go she just watched T.V. and ate crisps.So Helen went to bed early as she was rather bored when suddenly she heard a little voice coming from downstairs, "Helen why do you never play with me?" Helen got scared and tried to put the voice out her mind and went back to sleep but then she heard a different noise

. A noise of little feet walkin up the stairs. Helen heard a little voice singing, "We will play all night, don't worry Helen I don't bite. We can play all night, don't worry Helen I don't bite." The voice kept on singing but the foot steps got louder and louder. Helen couldn't move, she was scared stiff. She heard her bed room door queak open, the floor board creak as the little plastic feet walked across the floor. She felt something pulling on her bed covers. It was the doll climbing onto the bed, what could Helen do? She sat up and the doll stood their staing back, the plastic eyes glowing a spooky red colour. She went to scream but the doll put her hand over Helen's mouth, the doll pulled her hand behind her back revealing a knife. "Time for me to play with you," said the doll, " we're going to play doctors and nurses!" Then that was the end of Helen, the girl who disrespected her toys.



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