Friday, October 15, 2010

A shadow on my bed..

I was 6 years old at that time, living with my grandparents and aunts as both my parents were job holders and they were having higher studies at the same time. My mom used to live in Rajshahi( a division city of Bangladesh) and I was in Dinajpur. I didn't use to visit her much, instead she did. Oneday my father decided to visit my mom so I went with him.

After staying one day my father went back to Dinajpur but I stayed back to spend some times with my mom. So that night I was alone with my mom. The house she used to live was very small with one kitchen, a bathroom and a big room where she had her bed and other stuffs.So at night I got ready forthe bed and went to sleep with my mom. After few hours of sleep, at the middle of the night I woke up form my slumber. I felt a little uncomfortable and decide to change my sleeping position. I opened my eyes and saw a hint of light in the room and from the corner of my eyes I saw something on the bed, almost beside my pillow. I momwas on the other side of me. I was kind of scared and moved toward my sleeping mom,keeping my eyes closed really tight. when i felt safe in my mom's protecting arms I opened my eyes again and looked up. I saw a dark figure sitting beside my pillow.I couldn't see who was it or really it was something coz there was not enough light. But I could guess it was a figure of a man and felt like he was looking at me. I got really scared, scared enough to lost my voice to wake up my mom. I closed my eyes again pretending to sleep but sleep didn't come to me. Everytime I opened my eyes I saw that dark figure next to me till it was dawn and I fell  asleep again. To remember something that happened at that age is not so common but I still do remember it very well as it put an impact over me. From that night I couldn't stay alone in a room even if its in daylight. I had to get a "Tabij" ( it contains special surhas from The Quran to protect people from bad things) after that.



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