Friday, October 15, 2010

Hotel Horror

When me, my partner and my friend went to Mexico for about a week. It was really good! Until one thing went wrong...
Whilst we were unpacking, and settling in, all of the power in the room suddenly cut off. We quickly ran outside, into the hallway to find that the rest of the lights in the hotel were on. We slowly crept back into the room, and flicked the swiches about to see if they were working. But, nothing happend

. Then, without warning, the T.V turned on, at FULL volume! One advert came on, it was just a young-looking boy shouting directly at me, my partner and my friend. He was saying "Get out of here, NOW! I need help, but you wont understand..." We was all laughing thinking it was just a silly joke as we know the owner of the hotel.
Then, about 2 minutes later, all of the power came on. We thought it was O.K and everything was going to be alright from that moment. We was totally wrong! In the middle of the night, at about...01:15am, there was a disturbing knock at the door. We was all thinking (because we was in the same room) why would someone be knocking at this time in the moring!? We decided to ignore the knock and go back to sleep. After about 1hr, something was posted under our door. It said "HELP ME" in red writing. Later that morning, we found a young-looking boy lying on the floor outside of our room, staring straight into the peep-hole from a distance... It was very scary and then, there was a sound of laughter coming out of the chest area of the young boy. It was an unbeleavable, unforgettable and absoloutly terrifying visit. (NO JOKE)

Thank you.



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