Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tourist Trap (1979)

Tourist Trap (1979) - Bizarre film that creeps into the top ten is a hybrid of some of the best modern horror films. Trap is a blatant cross between Psycho, Texas Chainsaw with Carrie thrown in for good measure. Pino Donnaggio's score is wonderfully effective in evoking a thoroughly creepy atmosphere. A very low budget, yet stylish and well crafted little shocker deserves a much wider audience than it ever received. The reason it flopped so badly was because the insane censors gave it a PG. rating which meant that no one looking for a horror film went for Tourist Trap. What were they thinking is all I can offer, as Trap is clearly a pretty terrifying experience. It looses steam towards the end, but there are sequences in the film that rank with the best, so it scrapes into the top ten of great horror flicks. Most Memorable Moment: "Davey" appears and does his impersonation of Carrie while Pino Donaggio does his Hermann thing to sublime effect.



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